From Challenging Conflict to Purposeful Outcomes
Create your ideal life, go after your dreams, and fill your days with purpose freedom, relationship freedom, time freedom, and financial freedom.
Create your ideal life, go after your dreams, and fill your days with purpose freedom, relationship freedom, time freedom, and financial freedom.
Make data-backed decisions and lead your product to sure-shot success with Bizzy.
This workshop provides a pathway for shifting away from a problem focused, anxiety based, and reactive approach by teaching a frame-work that results in more resourceful and effective ways of thinking, relating, and taking action.
One of the most powerful things we can do is to be conscious of how we think, act, and interact. Only then can we be aware of and choose the ways we prefer and engage in practices that help—rather than hinder—us in achieving our desired outcomes.
TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic)® is applicable to all aspects of your life, not just work. Whether you are a Fortune 500 company, peer group, school, or family, this framework provides value for all audience groups.
"I can help you"'
Reinforces helplessness of the Victim
"This is all your fault"
Dominates, blames, and tears down
"Poor me"
Feels powerless and hopeless
"How will you do it?"
Supports and assists
"You can do it!"
Provokes and evokes action
"I/we can do it!"
Focuses on outcomes
TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic)®️ and 3 Vital Questions®️ are registered trademarks of Bainbridge Leadership Center (dba Center for The Empowerment Dynamic). Used with permission.
Gain a deeper understanding of the Power of TED* & 3 Vital Questions® frameworks and how to apply them in their life and at work
Move away from reactive, drama-filled habits and towards more effective, resourceful, and resilient relationships
Learn how to become more outcome-focused and passion-based in creating what has heart and meaning for them
Create a foundation and language for working with others in a trusting, empowered, and innovative way
Gain renewed courage to make personal changes that will help them show-up at work with less stress, thereby increasing both effectiveness and fulfillment
Create a plan to apply what they learn about the 3VQs and TED* to make inspired and creative decisions, even in the face of drama and uncertainty
David Emerald speaks to the cost of drama; the value of the 3 Vital Questions; and why they are so important for workplace cultures and at this time in human history.
Human beings operate from two different mindsets or Orientations. The first—and predominant default—is the Problem Orientation. In this mindset, the focus is on the problems and issues that employees and the organization don’t like or don’t want, which then drives reactive behaviors that are less-than-sustainable. The second mindset is the Outcome Orientation where organizations, teams and individuals focus on outcomes they are passionate about—what they do want and care about. Such an Orientation leads to engagement, sustainable change and results. Understanding these two Orientations and how they act as human “operating systems” allows a deliberate “upgrade” to more resourceful and effective ways of working. This is the focus of the first Vital Question.
If the focus is on problems and what they don’t like, employees’ ways of relating will tend to foster and perpetuate the Dreaded Drama Triangle (DDT)® and its interplay of the roles of Victim, Persecutor and Rescuer—all roles that cause workers to become disenchanted and disengaged.
When workers (and teams) live and work from the Problem Orientation, action-steps are normally reactions to the problems they face. They tend to react to whatever problem comes up in the moment, looking to complain or blame. When they adopt an outcome focused Creator Orientation, the capacity of individuals, teams and the organization increases. They learn to relate through the roles of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic), which are the roles of Creator, Challenger and Coach. This results in new and engaging ways of communicating and relating to one another. Now passion and creativity fuel engagement.
When employees live and work from the Outcome (Creator) Orientation, and relate to others as Creators, Challengers and Coaches, the actions they take are small steps—Baby Steps—in service to what they want to create. The Dynamic Tension planning process is introduced in this third Vital Question as a structure for learning to take action that provides momentum toward moving closer to—and getting clearer about —envisioned and desired outcomes. They learn to tackle problems and choose their response to obstacles when they arise, while always keeping their focus on the outcomes.